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Volvo: speedo cluster removal, volvo 740, speedometer

I have a '91 volvo  740 non-turbo the speedometer just stopped one day while driving, everything else works. After that for a week whenever I hit a bump (or on its own just cause it wanted to I guess)it would work but inconsistently, and now only the speedometer part wont work. From everything I have read researching this online, it's either  bad connection or something needs soldering... or i suppose I can get a new one...my question is: How do I remove it? I see a slot on inside of the left and right of the recessed cluster

Push in through the slots with a small screwdriver or pick tool (that will push in the clip that holds the bezel) and pull out the bezel. The cluster has four screws that hold it in. Pull the cluster out carefully the wires maybe wire tied, so be gental.