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Volvo: 850 t5 mounts and gaskets, cross bar, sealant

How do you change the bottom rear mount?
Look's like 1 nut and 1 bolt.
What method's do you suggest in doing the change,example,supporting the engine while trying to fit it in between?
Top mount,is this a major worry?
can it wait a little while till I tackle the bottom rear mount and radiation?
Does the gear box have a gasket?changed the clutch recently and it looked as if it had never been changed before,no sign of gasket or oil?
Now I'm thinking the bottom rear mounts causing the problem,so changing it.
Any thing I would notice if no gear box oil in the box?
Thanks,you guys do a good job!!

Hold the engine up and lower the sub frame enought to get the mount out and back in. Not a fun job real time consuming. Volvo make a cross bar system that supports the motor with a hook and chain. The gear box is sealed with special sealant that comes in a tube. You must use the right sealant to keep from having leaks. I always get mine from the dealer. If there was not any oil in the trans I would say that the trans would have seized up.