Volvo: volvo smoke, head gasket, combustion chamber
QuestionOn a roadtrip 6hrs out of town and 48hrs after an oil change we pulled over.My 2000 S40 was smoking. The next morning I checked what I thought was the coolent resrve and it was black. The best explanation was blown headgasket but now I'm not sure that was the coolent reserve. Volvo smoke is from when we stopped and the next vid should be from the next day when I checked the coolent reserve. Any help will be greatfully appreciated. Thanks again Joe
Until someone can identify the coolant and what is in it I can not tell you much. Now it makes sence that the coolant could be filled with oil from the engine or trans fluid from the trans. Now if there is a bad head gasket on your car the coolant and or this oil could be getting into the combustion chamber and burning and producing smoke. Best thing to do have the car towed to a shop that knows the Volvo's and have them look at the car to determine the needed repairs.