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Volvo: Volvo S90 A/C question, volvo s90, tank leaks

I just recently purchased a 1997 S90 Volvo which is in really great shape.  All but the A/C (and the shocks, but that's next on my list)
As for the A/C - when accelerating, the a/c stops cooling as well as, depending on how hard I hit the accelerator, the a/c fan either slows down or quits blowing all together.  I recently had the coolant filled but didn't reconcile this problem.

Also, as strange as it seems, the a/c "environment" seems to really dry my eyes out, almost as if it is taking in engine exhaust (?)  I know this is an older car, but with the shape it's in, there's no reason why this car can run like new from top to bottom... starting with the a/c, as I live in Tampa, Fl.  Any advise or insight would be appreciated

ANSWER: Paarker,
The A/C vents are vacuum operated and when you accelerate your losing the vacuum. That will close all the vents and they go back to there default position. Most times there are either vac lines under the hood that could be in poor shape or one of the vacuum operated motors that hold the vents is leaking, or the vac storage tank leaks. They are under the dash. The vent motors I see leak most often are the one for recalculation, all the way to the upper right corner under the dash. The other is the vac motor on the left side of the case and is the one with two vac lines, the yellow vac line is the one most often at fault.
Because the evaporator gets wet and then dries out mold starts to set up on the evap. There are sprays that you can use to help with that. You spray into the recurc door and allow it to pass the evaporator and help clean that up.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, Ray - one more.  Maybe this could help the diagnosis as well.  When the a/c cycles, there is a noticeable squealing sound coming from either the compressor or condenser.  Could this explain more regarding my original question or maybe just another problem?

That noise might be the orfice tube, either a bit plugged or the screen is torn. It sounds like a whistle. Like the system is equalizing the pressure. Change the orfice tube see if that helps. It is in the high side pipe (smaller pipe) on the right frame rail. There is fitting about middle. Pull out the old one and refit the new. That has no effect on the vents shutting off under accel.