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Volvo: s80 timing belt, volvo s 80, cam gear

good morning, i have a question on replacing the timing belt on a 2000 volvo s-80, i have the tool to hold the cams, but when i look in the book it shows the crank timing with a notch/bump on the hub, i found it but if i put it at 12:00 and line it up with the line on the oil pump the piston is not at TDC, is this correct? if i put the piston for cyl #1 at TDC the mark is about 90 deg off from the top (3:00) i am confused and just dont want to bend any valves, thank you in advance, doug

There is a tool that locks the crank in the #1 position. There is a plug behind the starter remove that plug push in the tool and that will line the crank. When you turn the crank and line up the cams watch the cam marks, go passed the cam marks 90 degrees and then turn it back, that will set the VVT gear to be in the right position. Now that should line up the crank and the cams. The cam gear tool fits into the slots in the rear side of the cams.