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Volvo: driving through standing water, good day ray, wheel speed

QUESTION: Good day Ray. Three days ago i got caught in a serious rainstorm that resulted in sewers unable to cope and driving through standing water multiple times. The car (2004 V70 2.5T) ran fine and the standing water at it's deepest was perhaps 9" - 12". We made it to our destination and returned home later that night. The next morning a "brushing" sound began right from start-up. It tough to tell if it's settled down at all over the last 2 days but it is persistent and still there. It's rev and not wheel speed related as it rises and falls. Could it be belts or lubrication washed off or something more sinister like water has entered the engine via the air intake? I'm a little nervous about the latter. Oil level is fine; colour looks good. Should I stop driving? (I've been keeping the revs and speed down). Thanks and your help is appreciated.

ANSWER: Dennis,
It sounds like the noise is related to something getting wet. Now this makes noise when it sits still and you rev it. So I would take off the drive belt start and rev it to see if the noise is gone. If not it coming from the t/belt area. Maybe a tensioner or water pump.....

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply. If it is the drive belt will it require a replace or something as simple as lubricating it? Can I lubricate it prior to removing it to see i it is the belt and if so what kind could i use? Thanks.

Sure you can try to spray the belt, but I am thinking it's more than that. The belt by now has dried, but maybe the water got into the tensioner and is causing the bearing to seize a bit. Even worse if it is the timing belt. If any failure of the t/belt and it flips off that will cause major damage.