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Volvo: 95 volvo 850 T5 problemos, gauge package, vacuum line

First off Thanks for offering this service,I will join as a expert and try help with what I can and when I learn as I plan on being a T5 owner for a while.
O.K. then.
1st when I press my brakes,the light failure bulb on the dashboard comes on (only whe I press my brakes).
2nd since emptying my coolant and replacing it with only water,I am often losing water and the water low light on the dash is coming on (its happening a lot and I'm losing quite a bit of water)is this due to no coolant mixture?seems to evaporate very quick(no leaks either by the way),no blue smoke or any smoke from the exhaust or leaks around the head gasket.
3rd squaling when I brake hard ish.
4th front wheels rubbing on guard when on full lock.
5th,how do I fit a boost gauge?
6th,some one has fitted a switch to switch my fan on and it has a speed control,why would they have done this and should I leave it alone and if so am I ok leaving it on all the time?
And finally,ignition portion is playing up,I have to turn the key back around 2-3mm to turn the lights on and abs dash light off,is there any way I can fix this with out a new one or have I lost a spring of some sort?
Sorry for all the questions and many thanks in advance for any replies.

ANSWER: Ricky,
First check the brake lights. If all three work replace bulbs one at a time. Second there has to be a leak that you did not find. In a closed system there should not be any evaporation. Pressure test the system. Third replace all the brake pads and the rotors. Use OEM. Clean the hubs where the rotors fit so they will fit tight against the hubs.  Forth tire to wide or spring sag just a bit. Don't turn the wheel to full lock. Fifth follow the directions in the gauge package. The one in the car is not working? How about splicing into the boost/vacuum line of the dash gauge. Sixth I do not see why you could not leave the fan operate at all times. Possible reason it is hot wired maybe the cooling fan relay is bad. Finally it needs a new electrical portion of the ignition switch.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for such a quick reply.
Brake lights come on fine but I have notice that only my front lights stay on (my mates volvo the rear and front stay on),I also tested my hand brake to see if that would trigger the dash light and it did.
I will try replacing each bulb too!thanks for that.
How do I pressure test it?
Gauge in car is working but some one has fitted a manual boost control and I don't want to fry the engine,standard boost gauge is not accurate at all.
Got a pipe coming from under the accelerator cable protector cover,is it a tree they call it?with many nipples?its some thing to do with air,any way I have a pipe coming from there which ends up on my floor leading to nothing,shall I plug it?
I have read that boost gauges can connect to this tree?
Spot on with the ignition portion,have one on route,a lot more problems then I thought,just replaced clutch,having stabiliser link fitted and the friggin transmission mount welded back on,night mare.
Many many thanks for your time.

Pressure test with a tool that you can pump pressure into the coolant. All shops have them. If you try to do it yourself then you maybe at a disadvantage without the tools. I would then tie into the boost line for that gauge and mount it when you can see it best.
I really do not know about your "tree". If you can find a shop that knows the Volvo's they could possibly take a look at the tree and give you a better idea. Ok then good luck with all your work.