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Volvo: volvo S60 T 2008 smells, volvo repair, volvo s60

QUESTION: During the last 4-5 months there is an odor (kind of industrial solvent like) which enters through the AC system. It wasn't like this when I bought it. It is more prominent once the engine has been ignited and car is in motion (especially after longer periods of parking), yet its intensity decrease after a few minutes of driving. I've already been to 2 certified volvo repair shops and they did not locate the fault. Though I don't know the source, its obviously entering through the vents; the AC's performance is superb, and it has already been treated with a special agent: anti bacteria & fungus without any change. what your opinion ? and how should I continue (currently I'm driving with open windows to dilute the smell). Thanks alot, Joe

The only thing I have heard of is the smell from the evap of the A/C system. Make an appointment with the Volvo rep from the factory and show him/her the faults maybe they can advise better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your prompt reply. I think it only comes through the vents, but actually the source is not from the AC (It can be detected even when the ac and the fan is off, though it intensifies when the fan is turned on; yet as I mentioned, after a few minutes of driving it is barely noticed any more). Any other thoughts ? Thanks, joe

If it will go away after a few minutes then I would say evap smell. Your car should have the ability to turn on the blower motor after using the car and parking it. The dealer will be able to turn that feature on for you they call it "after blow".