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Volvo: 1990 volvo not starting in mornings, engine cranks, volvo 760

QUESTION: My 1990 Volvo 760 turbo station wagon isn't starting in the mornings. The outside air can be warm but it refuses to turn over until the interior air gets hot. I have tried putting a blanket on the hood and wrapping the steering wheel but that isn't working. I can't afford to pay a huge amount to get it fixed but I need a reliable car. It has just started since I moved into the mountains. Can you help? It is an automatic. Battery works fine, sounds like it is trying to turn over for a few seconds then nothing. Thank you.

ANSWER: Louisa,
So the engine cranks over but does not want to run. Are all the tune up parts in good shape. Plugs cap rotor wires? Is the fuel pressure too low? Should be 42 psi. The intake system and intake valves could be carboned up and the fuel that is sprayed in during the starting sequence maybe getting absorbed by the carbon. If the intercooler system has any air leakage that could also make it hard starting. Is the car just getting old and worn out? Maybe compression is too low

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It dosn't crank at all. All the dash lights come on so I know the battery is working. It makes a hum for a second but dosn't even sound like it is trying to catch.

The starter will take more power from the battery then the dash lights. Have it tested. When you put a volt meter on the battery is it at least 12.4 volts? Is the shifter all the way into park? Move it a few times and try the starting again. Test the small wire to the started to see if you are getting 12 volts when the key is in the crank position. See if by jumping the starter, small wire terminal to the larger one will the engine crank over?