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Volvo: volvo oil leaks, engine seals, oil leaks

A friend recently dropped off a 1995 Volvo 850. he said he was in to it cheap (free) and wondered if it was fixable. among its shortcomings were a missing bushing in the upper motor mount and leaking oil burning off on the exhaust. at this point only the plastic cover over the plugs has been removed and puddles of oil were discovered beneath it. can't see a path other than the oil cap that would lead the oil to this location. leaks all appear to be coming from the top of motor. I'm pretty sure the problem will not go away by replacing an oil cap which i guess leads to my question about the cam cover and the related seals that can be replaced if it is removed. what kind of job is that and can you lead me to a site that would show an exploded view of this area of the motor?

Yes the oil cap has big leakage problems. The front engine seals can also be replaced. That job however requires some special tools to hold the cams and also a hold down for the top cover as the bolts are pulled off. Shops may charge about 8 hours to do the work.
Some chain auto parts stores have the ability to provide procedures to do certain repairs. You can try to contact All-Data as they have repair manuals on line for shops. I do not know of any web site that would have that information.