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Volvo: thermal time switch location, fuel pump relay, thermal time

i replaced upper hose from block to heater core.  after that car will not start(volvo 88 240)the thermal T. Switch wire was accidently disconnected...i can't find the switch. also there is no elec. going to main fuel pump...the engine turns over but no fuel...i checked the fuel pump relay... there is 12 volts emitting from term. #30, but no elec. coming out of #87...so i seem to have two problems...or are they somehow connected? thanks! paul

There is a temp sensor in the head between cyl 3 and 4 a little hard to see. That might be what you are talking about. Make sure that when the engine is cranked over the black/yellow wire at the pump relay is making a ground through the control unit. No ground pumps will not work.