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Volvo: 2000 Volvo Rear Rotor Replacement, brake pads and rotors, hub flange

I have to replace the rear brake pads and rotors on my 2000 S80T6.  Please provide instructions and pics if possible for this process.

Any web sites that have detialed info with pics?  

Also what is the trick to removing the spring clip without deforming it?


The Volvo books for repair are assuming the person working on the car is a tech with general knowledge. That being the case they for what ever reason do not give a step by step explanation on what they consider the simpler repairs. Someone that has mechanical knowledge will look at the calipers and figure how to remove the spring and see the small screw that holds the rotor in place so no further damage is done. However some of the large chain auto parts stores have either a computer system to look up and print out instructions or sell an aftermarket set of repair manuals.
I do not know of any web site that will have any detailed info on the brakes with or without photos. If you look at the rear brakes and are still not sure how they work please take the car to a shop that knows the Volvo for the repairs.
This is from All-Data....It will not allow me to copy the photos, only the text.

2000 Volvo S80 2.9 L6-2.9L VIN 94 B6294S
Vehicle Level  Brakes and Traction Control  Disc Brake System  Brake Rotor/Disc  Service and Repair  Rear
Remove the panel covering the parking brake lever
See Replacing the parking brake lever.

Release the parking brake adjuster
See Replacing parking brake shoes.

Remove the caliper holder and the brake disc
both the mounting screws (4) for the caliper holder. Remove the holder
remove the locating pin (5) and the brake disc. Cleaning and inspection

Note: Cleaning is important to prevent lateral runout at the brake disc.

Clean the hub flange before installing the new brake disc.
Check the hub. If it is damaged, measure the lateral runout. See Measuring lateral runout on the rear hubs.

Install the brake disc

Note: Be careful when handling the new brake disc. Careless handling can cause damage to the brake disc (out-of-true).


the new brake disc. Tighten the locating pin to8 Nm
the caliper holder. Use new mounting screws. Tighten to 60 Nm .

Install the brake pads and brake caliper
See Replacing rear brake pads.

Install the locating pins in the brake caliper
See Replacing rear brake pads.

Check the brake fluid level

Depress the brake pedal a few times.
Check the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir. Top up if necessary.

Adjust the parking brake
See Replacing parking brake shoes.

Service and Repair  Rear


Note: Minimum thickness for replacing the brake pads = 3.0 mm .

Remove retaining springs and locating pins for brake pads

the securing spring (3) carefully so that it does not deform
protective caps (1) from the two locating pins (2)
locating pins, use hex socket 7 mm .

Remove the brake caliper and brake pads

the brake caliper from the holder
brake pads. Hang brake caliper from a steel wire from the spring so as not to damage brake hose.

Note: Do not depress brake pedal while brake pad is removed.

Clean and check brake caliper and dust cover

Clean and check brake pad mating surfaces on the brake caliper.
Check piston dust boot. Replace it if it is damaged.

Note: If the dust boot is damaged dirt may have penetrated the cylinder. The brake caliper must be reconditioned. See Reconditioning rear brake calipers.

Check the brake disc

Check brake disc friction surfaces.
If the brake disc displays signs of out-of-true, check its lateral runout. See Measuring lateral runout on rear brake disc.
Replace the brake disc if it displays signs of heavy wear, variable thickness or similar. To replace, see Replacing rear brake discs.

Note: Minimum recommended disc thickness / replacement limit = 10.0 mm . Minimum recommended disc thickness when installing new brake pads = 10.7 mm .

Install the brake pads and brake caliper

Press piston back into cylinder on brake caliper.
Check that the dust cover is correctly positioned.

new brake pads
the brake caliper.

Install the locating pins in the brake caliper

Check the rubber guide pin sleeves. Replace if necessary.
Lubricate the locating pins with grease, P/N 1161325-4. Insert the locating pins (2) into the rubber sleeves. The pins should slide into the sleeves easily.
Tighten the locating pins to 30 Nm . Install protective caps (1).
Install the retaining spring (3).

Check brake fluid level in reservoir
Depress brake pedal a few times.
Top up brake fluid if necessary.

Adjust parking brake as required
See Replacing brake shoes.

Install the wheel