Volvo: 94 Volvo 850E Alarm, alarm relay, faults
I have a 1994 Volvo 850E. This past weekend, I put the car in park, opened the door, and the horn started beeping and lights flashing. I'm assuming this is a factory alarm, even though I never knew the car had one. Now every time I open the driver's door the lights and horn go off (opening other doors just makes the lights flash) and the car will not start. Is there any way to over ride the alarm?
You can take the car to the dealer, have them read and test for the faults. Or you can buy a central locking relay and remove the alarm relay and replace it with the basic non alarm relay. I would say that the dealer maybe able to help you order these parts. Look at the relays 205/206 is one relay and 210/211 is the other.
Now on a couple of vehicles that I service I have seen where the owner has taken the car to an alarm shop and have upgraded to a different/better system.