Volvo: spark plug wires in relation to firing order, volvo 240 dl, 1989 volvo 240
QuestionQUESTION: I own a 1989 Volvo 240 DL. Recently, I tried to change the spark plugs and spark plug wires on my own and I did a fatal mistake. I unplugged all the old spark plug wires and now I do not know how to put the new one on. I know that the firing order for my car is 1-3-4-2 and the #1 wire spark plug is marked on the distributor cap, I hope that's correct. But, I do not know how they work together to accomplish the firing order. What position that #1 marked plug on the distributor cap is placed in relation to the engine? In what order are the spark plug wires connected to the distributor cap? Please help me!
ANSWER: Christine,
One is marked on the dist housing rim under the black plaastic cover with a small line. The firing order is then in clockwise order on the cap/dist. The cylinders are in straight order 1-4, four being closest to the firewall.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Are you saying that the wires should be connected to distributors cap this way.
The #1 plug should be aligned with #1 cylinder?
Pull the cap and the plastic cover look at the rim of the dist. There is a mark scribed into the dist top. That is one and in a clockwise direction next is three four two. The number one cylinder is all the way in the front of the engine next is two, then three and four closest to the firewall.