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Volvo: AC not coming on, fuse box, cold ac

I removed engine/tran from 2000 s80 w/ t6, now have replaced, but need to get AC working.  Evacuated system, pulled vacuum, now need to charge.  Compressor never kicks on.  Checked all fuses.  No power to compressor.  Hot wired compressor to charge proper amount of freon.  Is there a relay that can be checked/replaced that in not functioning, possibly?  Have controls on cold, ac light is lit on heater controls, fan is on, yet compressor not on.
Any help is appreciated.
Brad in Greensboro

If the air worked before without problem I would look over the work done to the wiring and grounds. It appears that the controls are working just not power to the compressor. I would also look in the under hood fuse box for the A/C relay, make sure that it is plugged in and tight. Other relays in that box maybe the same, so you can swap one over.