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Volvo: 87 740 electrical failure, fuse box, dirty body

I recently purchased an 87 740GLE.  The lights in the car are failing everywhere.  Initially it was the flashers so i changed the fuse and relay to no avail.  Since then, front running light, rear running light, brake light, and dash lights have all stopped working.  I have cleaned the terminals in all the light housing, made sure all points are clean and replacing the wiring where it was obviously cracked.  Any ideas?  Thanks

Nothing stands out in my mind as a problem. You just need to keep testing as you have been. You may have a bad wire harness in a spot that you can not easily see. How about a Volvo shop that you can take the car to for some help? Could the fuse box be burnt or dirty? Body ground to the battery good? All cables to the battery tight?