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Volvo: 2001, VOLVO S 80, 20 T, volvo s 80, volvo dealer

QUESTION: I have a Volvo S 80, 2.0T that dies on me. Especially when I approach a STOP or I apply brakes. RPM's are bouncing and drop to 0. I have put in new plugs and oil filter, clean up the machine and replaced oil. Sometimes it wouldn't start immediately. Please can you advise me on what to do or to check on it. I am afraid of getting involved in an accident.

You need to read the fault codes and follow those. There have been some software downloads for the throttle system that may help. Take it to the dealer to see if the latest software is installed and that the Electronic throttle housing is working properly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, Thanks for the quick response. How do I read the fault codes. My car is an import and the dealers dont want to assist me at the dealership,although I buy original VOLVO spares from them. If I buy and replace the whole throttle system will it work? Where is the choke of the car or where do you increase to higher revs?

You need the Volvo scan tool VIDA, that will give the most reliable codes to follow. Other scan tools only have generic codes and they are not a reliable. Find a shop that has the proper tools or the Volvo dealer.
If you get the throttle hosuing, it will require a software download to make it operational and marry it to the car. There is not a choke as was on older cars with a carburator. All the starting(hot or cold) and idle is handled with the engine control unit.