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Volvo: volvo 850 - replacing antenna mast for 97 model, antenna mast, no screws

i am trying to replace the antenna mast in the 97 850 i have, but the trouble is that the direction state to unscrew a couple of screws and disengage the mast (or the part that holds the mast) from the black casing (which holds the plastic notched coil)....but i cannot get that part apart.  screws or no screws, lubed and all.  the directions i have actually are for 700 and 900 models, which might be part of the issue.  but i cannot seem to get to the old and broken mast antenna to be able to replace it with the new one.  
how the heck do you do it??  or do i have actually have to replace the whole motor??
i am about to go and see if i take the black cover off again and see if i cannot feed the antenna down from that end instead as the mast won't disengage from the black casing.

ANSWER: Joanna,
Leave the motor hooked up. Take the top cap off, turn on the key and radio the motor will run in the up position. Pull the mast out. Compare it to the new one to make sure that the tail piece is the same length. If not remove the antenna take apart the lower case (round part)find the remaining tail piece and remove...
Put all back together install in vehicle push the new mast tail into the motor turn off the radio while twisting and pushing the mast down. Replace cap and inner liner...done...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok, so i took the whole thing apart, and you say i have to put it back on.  i cannot get the old mast out is the problem, that even with the motor on, nothing is going up or down and i have already taken the broken pieces out.  i will try this again tomorrow but nothing goes up or down with the motor on - the motor turns, but there is nothing for it to feed.  will the mast come out thru the top??  is that what you are suggesting?  seems that when i pull it now (disconnected) it gets stuck on something so it won't fully come out - maybe that is when you suggest i have the motor on??

The mast comes out through the top, if it sticks pull harder. If it is seized in get a complete antenna package.
There is a guide tube that goes around the mast. It is not easy to see, but that is what the cap holds down to prevent the mast from falling out when the antenna spools out. Cap has to be off to remove the mast. The mast must be slightly stuck on the guide tube. In the new antenna package you should see that metal guide tube. It has a small lip on one end so the cap can hold down the mast.