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Volvo: Volvo S-70 Oil dipstick, volvo s 70, mile intervals

This seems very similar to another question you just answered. I have a 1998 S-70 with a 130K on the odometer.  When I check the oil there is white sludgy substance on the dipstick.  The car does not get driven too often. 10 miles a day tops.  Maybe 5000 a year when you add in trips.  I know I have a small oil leak somewhere, however, it seems to be insignificant as far as massive oil loss.  Is the white sludge an indicator of a bigger problem?

The white slug is not a problem, just an indication that the oil has condensation in it. Keep your oil changes at 3000 mile intervals and all should be fine. If you look at the white slug and then take a long drive, say 40 to 50 miles that condensation will burn out. So the oil is doing its job by suspending the condensation.