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Volvo: yellow oil, blown head gasket, volvo s70

I have a 1998 Volvo S70 t-5 with manual transmission and 127,000 miles. The car runs great and has no indicators of a blown head gasket (no white smoke, rough running or overheating). I've been told by my mechanic that I have condensation in my oil (I drive less than 20 miles per day on average) because the oil never gets hot enough. After having the oil and filter changed the dipstick still comes out yellow on one side, clean oil on the other. Is this the real problem and how do I get rid of the yellow substance?


What I would do is before the next oil change, at least two days in a row make longer trips 50 or so miles then do the oil change see if that will burn all of the condensation out (or whatever the yellow is). If that will not work do an engine purge oil passage cleaning following the directions on the product. Proceed with the oil and filter change and see if that works. Just to be sure clean off the dip stick with a wire brush before your oil changes. Have you ever had dye added to the oil to check for an oil leak? Maybe that is still in the engine??? Just a thought.