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Volvo: rough idle, vacuum leaks, engine managment

hi Ray, I have a 96 850 turbo wagon that has a rough idle. It was worse but I
had a motor mount replaced and it's better but still there. Also sometimes
when I stop it has a crazy little vibration. Plus when I'm on the highway it will
sometimes start to stumble. Could it be fuel injectors . I'm lost and want to
have an idea what I'm dealin with before I bring it back to the Volvo
mechanic. Thanks for your time. R I c h

First read the engine managment codes and take care of those faults. The car might need a tune cap, rotor, wires, plugs. Is the fuel filter blocked? What is the fuel pressure when this happens? How about vacuum leaks? Injectors maybe, they are not a big problem, but at times they leak at the seal (suck air) or don't spray properly, even stop working.