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Volvo: intermediate starting issues, coolant temp, 2000 volvo s40

QUESTION: hello we have a 2000 volvo s40 and about 3 weeks ago we have been having a problem with the vehicle starting, power comes on headlights come on i dont hear it crank or starter engaging , we have had the batt. tested (good)did a starter test on the vehicle siad it was good . doesnt happen all the time maybe once a week eventually it will start . take it home started it about 50 times did good !
cant get it to repeat starting failure till your stuck some where .
can you please help me ?
what do you think is wrong with it ?

ANSWER: David,
You might be having an issue with the car being all the way in Park. Try moving the handle (key on and foot on brake) to neutral and back to Park. Have the codes read in the trans to see if there is a fault with the Gear Position Sensor.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the first time it happened I did move the gears as you said and it didnt start I also took it down to autozone and they read the codes there was nothing about the trans. coolant temp low , we added antifreeze .
when it happens again ill try it again .
could it be the iginition switch ?

I do not see many ignition switches that cause a no start, but that is possible. A generic scan tool may not be be able to get information from the trans control unit. Are you sure that they tried pulling codes from the trans system and not just the engine management?
There might also be a problem in the immobilizer system (alarm). It may have some codes also. There is a chip in each key, does this happen with only the same key? The programming may need an update. Call your dealer I think that there is an updated wire harness and relay kit for some cars. Have your VIN handy for them to check.