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Volvo: V70 cold start, smooth sailing, grade fuel

QUESTION: My 2001 v70 has a tough time starting when its cold, after it warms up its allgood. It has a brand new battery and is cranking fine, its like its not getting gas or something.
Thanks. mike d

Monitor the fuel pressure over night see how fast it rises when the key is turned on and if it holds pressure during the cranking. That should allow you to know if the problem is fuel pump, etc. Read fault codes repair as needed. Are the plugs in good shape? If in doubt replace them. Fuel filter blocked? Poor quality gas?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Feul pressure seems ok, replaced plugs. When it has a hard start is ONLY when the temperature is cold, say below 35* overnight, then it take 4-5-6 cranks to get it started. afterwards,smooth sailing.
mike D.

At this point I would try an upper engine intake cleaning. That should mean a chemical cleaning that is inducted into the manifold, through the injectors and an additive in the tank. Also remove and clean the throttle housing, getting all the carbon deposits out. If there is carbon remaining in the cylinders it could absorb the gas that is sprayed into those cylinders and it takes several attempts to allow enough fuel in those cylinders to fire. The cleaning is meant to remove those deposits. You also want to switch to a better grade fuel one that has additives that will help keep things clean.