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Volvo: 96 Volvo 855 Turbo - Heating Fan problem, fault indicators, climate system

Replaced cabin fan - stays on even after engine is off.

Fuse #5 (Fan) not blowing. Fan stays on max setting no matter what position is selected on console ("fault indicators"-blinking Rec. air and AC yellow lights still flash). Note: Disconnected battery to replace fan. Replaced with identical used fan motor (same part number) which, when energized, worked.

Don't want to bring to dealer...any suggestions!? - Thanks PJ

Change the power stage also. It is the control unit for the blower motor, regulating the speeds. It is mounted next to the blower, a small box that has fins on it in the heater case. The flashing lights indicate a fault code is stored in the climate system. You need the scan tool to read and clear codes.