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Volvo: Volvo S80 Brake Light Problem, volvo s80, 2001 volvo s80

QUESTION: Hi there:

I read a response you gave to someone else with my problem.  I have a 2001 Volvo S80.  The center brake light works... the left and right brake lights do not work.

I accessed the rear relays in the trunk on the left hand side.  I then proceeded to remove each relay one by one testing the brake light operation each time I remove a relay.  The center brake light lit each time.

When I remove the 5 amp fuse under the hood for the brake lights the center light does not work when I depress the brake.

Would you please give more info on the loaction of the relay that needs to be replaced to correct this problem.


ANSWER: Joseph,
The brake light relay is in the cargo area rear left side power (REM, rear electrical Module) panel. The brake relay is RM15.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: But when I removed that relay and depressed the brake... the center light went on.

I don't understand

ANSWER: Joseph,
Since the third light is an LED light it will not operate through the relay. Have you tested for power at the relay or traced the wires? I have never experienced any problems as yours, so I am only looking at the fault from diagrams and relay positions. How far will power travel to the brake light only the relay, but not pass through it?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again:

There is no relay in the M15 position. I tried moving a relay there from elsewhere buth the left and right brake lights still did not light.

I checked the bulbs and they are good.

Since you have exhausted all the possible things that you know about and can see, it is time to get the help of a Volvo tech that can look at your car and make some tests. There must be something that has been overlooked or out of place. Yours will need someone there to look at your car and preform some fault tracing.