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Volvo: VOLVO V70 T5 AUTO GEARBOX PROBLEM, volvo v70 t5, volvo v70

Hi, well here goes.

Had my 2004 V70 T5 (160,000 miles) at the dealers today with a problem
with the auto box. Car has tiptronic box and mainly used in auto mode, but
when driven at slow speeds 20mph-40mph it 'hunts', i.e. the rev counter
'flicks' as if there's a problem with fuel starvation. This is not a problem at
higher speeds, motorway driving etc.

The dealer advises after driving it themselves that its hunting between gear
5-4-5 in auto mode, but doesn't do it when the box is set to manual

They tried to do an ECM and TCM update, but advised that the car has the
latest software already.

Apparently they found the problem listed as a known problem after linking
the car to their computer, but the suggested remedy was to update software
for the gearbox.

They did reset the gearbox (according to them) but as i drove away the
problem was still there. I then returned the car to them, but all they could do
was scratch their heads and say there was little more they could do other than
take it in to the workshop for a full day and check the gearing ratios?

Anyone else experienced such a problem.

Gearbox oil checked - all OK, Transmission oil checked - all OK. I really don't
fancy flinging money at them - £65 per hour labour charges if they still cant
resolve the problem. They did mention something about raising an 'SR' with
Volvo, but told me not to hold my breath for a speedy response, said it could
be months. What's an SR?

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

Thanks - John

I have heard on many software issues, and some are not easy to repsolve. Maybe there would be an update in the near future that will help. Now what I would do is make an appointment at the dealer with the service rep or the Field tech service rep to drive your car and plead your case. It could be that the tech at the dealer just flat out can't feel the problem or don't quite know how to repair it. Time maybe to go over their head.