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Volvo: 1994 Volvo 850 GLE - ABS Warning Light, volvo 850, abs light

Hi Ray...
The 850 runs a self-diagnostic ABS test at around 20mph. When I start the car, the ABS light comes on briefly as normal and, at the above speed, the ABS test is done. So far, so good.
What I'm finding now is that while driving, usually at low speed, the yellow ABS warning light comes on and stays on, though it has on occasion gone out of its own accord.
The brakes work as normal.
I checked the 15A fuse and it seems fine as does the brake fluid level.
Any idea what's happening? Would appreciate your input.

As far as I know that would indicate the system has a fault. What the fault would be is a tough one since that system does not store codes. I would start by cleaning the sensors, make sure all the wire connectors are together and tight. Drive it and see if that works. After that about all you can do is replace parts. Possibly if you order a repair manual you can follow the fault tracing. As I remember it they want you to use a break out box for the control unit.