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Volvo: 2004 S60 air conditioning, battery cables, climate system

I just bought an 04 S60 with 51,000 miles.  The other day, I started it up, and about 2 minutes later, the fan came on so strong that it made me jump.  The fan blew all the way home (1 hour), but with no cooling - just hot air.  I played with all of the climate control buttons, but nothing worked (I could not turn the fan off, nor the cool on).  When I got home, the fan ran for at least 45 minutes. Today, the air was cool, but the fan would not come on, until I was 45 minutes into the drive.  Then it came on and cooled the car down.  Again, none of the controls would work.  I tried putting it on auto mode, as well as manual.
As a side note - I replaced the battery a couple of days after I bought the car - don't know it that is relevant or not....Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

Since the battery was disconnected sounds like the Climate system lost programming or did not power up totally. You can try to remove both battery cables (all power off key out of ignition) and connect them together for a few minutes. That will power all the systems down, then bring them back up all together. Hook things back up power things up and see what happens. If that will not work take it in for some fault tracing.