Volvo: 86 240 dies at low rpm, throttle switch, full tank
QuestionQUESTION: This car sat for most of a year with almost a full tank, then when we needed it started right up. It ran fine but lately started losing power at low rpm. I suspected clogged fuel filter, but it's pumping lots of fuel to the injectors, and both pumps are running fine. Other ideas? Could the dist. cap be the culprit? A quick visual inspection inside looks ok, and I cleaned the contacts. No clue where to look next.
Drain the fuel that is in there and refill it with new clean fuel. Change the fuel filter and see how that works. Fuel has a very short shelf life.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I've done this, also replaced dist. cap and cleaned the (I think it's called..) Idle air bypass valve. Any further things to check?
Clean the throttle hosuing get all the carbon out, use that black screw to turn up the idle. Reset the small screw on the housings butterfly if needed see if that works. Make sure that the throttle switch clicks as it opens from idle, adjust as needed.