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Volvo: Sunroof problems, sun roofs, drain tubes

Hi, and thanks for your response ahead of time. I have a 2001 v70XC and the sunroof has been acting up. It will only open about halfway with the auto open and will only close about 3/4 of the way with the auto close. Now it will fully open both ways (tilt and full aft) if you hold the switch down again after stopping in it's random positions. The main problem is that I can't get it to fully close all the way and prevent water from coming in when it rains and the drain tubes aren't draining very well. I currently have it in the shop right now for other maintenance (Cam seals, timing belt, water pump and a breather box) and had just asked them to inspect the sunroof as well. The mechanic suggested I needed to replace the sunroof switch for about $310.00. It just doesn't seem right. Can I inspect and clean any contacts or find a new one myself and replace it myself, if so is it easy to disassemble and more important reassemble. Thanks again!

I am not sure of the cost of the s/roof switch, but $300.00 sounds high. Buy a new switch and plug it in. Taking apart a switch is iffy.
I am suprised the shop can not better diagnosis the problem. Some dealers if they have a switch in stock might just give it a try. Maybe a different shop would be a good idea. I know that alot of independent shops do not like working on things like sun roofs so that might his way of suggesting he don't work on the sun roofs.