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Volvo: Volvo 1988 240 Bucking, volvo 240, gas tank

QUESTION: I have an 88 Volvo 240 and it has been bucking lately between 2nd and 4th gears.  I replaced the fuel pump in the gas tank when the problem first happened about 3 months ago.  Then about a month ago it started happening again so I changed all the spark plugs and it ran fine until this morning and the same problem is happening.  It feels like it is a lack of fuel because you can feel the car spudding like it is about to run out of gas but the tank is full.  Any ideas?

Maybe the flow of fuel is not enough. I have had two that I needed to install the heavy duty pump. That is the one they use in the 700/900 turbo. To do so you need to shorten the tube of the sender.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If it was the flow of fuel would it be happening all the time?  It only happens everyonce in a while not everytime I drive.  Thank you for the help!

The cars that I experienced would buck when you would accelerate hard in first and second gear. I did not know what else to do so I tried the larger pump and that was the fix. I do not know for sure if the vehicles had any problems of bucking before the pump installation. The flow being a bit low under slow driving conditions might not be noticeable, but under acceleration it is.