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Volvo: 1985 volvo 740 stalling problem, volvo 740, injector pulse

runs for 10 stalls for 20, i've replaced fuel filter, and pump relay, when it is stalled i can get it to run for just a second with starting fluid. i have also swapped out ignition control mod on left front fender and had coil tested to be sure.

When it stalls what are you missing spark or fuel? I have seen a large failure rate with the ignition dist and pick up. That would leave you without spark. If you do have spark then look to the fuel system and make sure there is power to the pumps and you have good fuel pressure (42psi). If the pump has power and not running defective pump. Make sure the in tank pump is also working and pumping fuel. Main pump may run but is not getting a supply of fuel from the pre pump. If when it stalls you unplug the MAF will the engine run? The wire connector to the MAF in good shape wires all tight? Do you get an injector pulse? There is a "radio suppression relay" that controls power to the injectors that also could overheat and fail, then work again when it cools.