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Volvo: 2001 S80 Volvo, low beams, moon roof

QUESTION: I changed my battery and put my new one in.  Now my low beams and moon roof don't work. or the dome lights when the doors are open, but the reading lights work.  What could it be?

ANSWER: Morgan,
Are all the smaller red wires attached to the battery and tight? If yes try to disconnect the battery and touch the two cables together for a couple of minutes. When you do this remove the key close all doors, make sure the truck light is switched off before proceding. If there are still some faults you will need to visit your dealer so that they can read any codes and reprogram the control unit.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how many red wires should there be? And the message on the message board reads multiple light failure.

I do not have a car to see how many wires there are. Just be sure all the wires that came off go back on. Look at the positive cable end and make sure all wires are there and in good cndition.
Light failure is due to the fact the bulbs do not work. Touch the two cables together for a couple of minutes, if that will not work get the car to a dealer.