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Volvo: Volvo 850 T5 smoking exhaust, volvo 850 t5, head gasket

I have just read a question and answer from someone with a smoking Volvo 850 T5. The symptoms were identical to my car and quite unusual - ie smoking mostly at idle and more as car warms up, some oil in it but also steam it seems. It tends to go away when engine has warmed up and is being driven. I wondered if his contact details were available so I could find out if he eventually diagnosed the problem? Thanks in advance...

You might be burning some oil due to valve guide seals. The turbo seal might be leaking and burning oil. Are you having to add any fluids? What color is the smoke? Blue is oil, white is coolant. Coolant is possibily head gasket or crack in the head. Do a cylinder leakage test and see how that reads.