Volvo: cruise control on 98 volvo, obd ii, vacuum leak
QuestionMy cruise control on my 98 Volvo SE is not working,no code on the scanner and I checked the switch under the pedal brake and no vacuum leak that I know of.Is there a relay among those under the dash and what color so I could test test.Where else should I look for the fix. Thanks
Most cruise problems are related to the vacuum lines, so test those carefully. The vacuum chamber that opens the throttle is also a good place to look. With the scanner hooed up to the OBD II plug and testing the cruise, you should see a page for activation, there you can test the switchs. There is a control unit for the cruise, but you did not give enought info on what modle car you have. My guess is the S/V 70 that relay (control unit) is under the fuse box cover marked 101/102.