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Volvo: Volvo S 70, 2.0T, model 2000, volvo s 70, shock absorber

QUESTION: I have 2 initial questions.
1)  the light on the dashboard is on, for engine managment system malfunction.  Sometimes it is off for a few days, then it comes on again after the engine is switched on.
According to the manual, the fault detected will probably result in the engine failing to meet emission standards.  What does this mean, what is the fault ?

2)  what is the camshaft sealing ring for?  According to my mechanic, I need to change 2pcs of the ring.  Is this an engine job, and does this have anything to do with the shock absorbers

I am a novice in car matters, I would greatly appreciate if you could explain what the above means.

thank you very much.
Kind regards,

ANSWER: Janet,
No way to know what the fault is until reading the fault codes. That needs a scan tool that will access the system. Any time there is a fault code the vehicle will not pass the test for emissions. The fault needs to be repaired and the car drive for the control unit to be in "readiness" so it will pass. Many times the car runs great, the fault might be an emission fault and not a runability one.
Cam seals might be leaking, so that would warrant a replacement. It is a fairly big job 4 or 5 hours at least. Camshaft is an engine part and the shock are suspension parts, so the cam seals are not part of a shock absorber.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is a scan tool that will read the fault codes, and is this tool available only at the Volvo workshop?
As for fault codes, what would usually be the problem that would cause the light to go on?  Is it an engine fault, brakes, cam seals, or suspension?

thank you very much for your answer.

No a scan tool can be a "generic one" but those will not be as good as a Volvo style. All the management systems use a scanner to access the systems to read codes, a tool used by shops a must have one.
No way to tell what the most "popular" code might be. These are the tools of the trade today.