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Volvo: 1992 Volvo Idle Speed, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

B230F Engine did not start in recent cold snap. Weak yellow spark. I changed wires, coil, distributor cap and rotor. Wires are right...firing order 1-3-4-2 with clockwise dist. rotation. I even statically brought #1 to TDC and checked rotor position....it was near #1 in cap. Engine starts and runs but races at 2K rpm. Flashbox shows Code 221 for test 2 and nothing for test 6. I have no manuals to troubleshoot it myself and no $ to pay a shop. What can I do to test and repair whatever may be going on??? I have tools and good car knowledge but not for this car....my college daughter's!! Please help!!

The code you gave is for "fuel trim" meaning the control unit had to make adjustments as far as the mapping there allowed and was not able to correct the mixture.  Fuel trim codes sometimes mean vacuum leaks, broken air inlet tube, Mass air flow sensor, incorrect fuel pressure. High idle, stuck idle motor, clogged throttle housing or incorrectly adjusted plate, major vacuum leak, throttle cable too tight, sometimes a faulty temp sensor (but not a fault code for sensor)for the fuel injection, bad/faulty control unit for the injection.