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Volvo: S40 Heating system, coolant level, volvo dealership

Hi Ray!

I have a 2001 S40 and I love it....I own it thanks to my wonderful DAD.

My favorite Volvo mechanic in the world has passed away my Dad :) and I am having trouble finding any real answers.

I have taken excellent care of this car in his memory, however today my heat STOPPED working.  I grabbed a quick oil change and asked the guy there id he had a clue.  I pleaded that if he did not, I would take it to my fav Volvo dealership.

He assured me that it was just a clog, kink or air bubble in my cooling system.  I left with the heat working for 5 seconds.  I needed to get to work so I could not turn back, but I called.

Fast forward, I stopped by there after work, heat was blasting cold, he opened the hood and kept jiggling something.  He asked me to come back tomorrow???  I hate to spend more $$ that I don't have but is this guy full of it?   Are there other things I should consider.

The temp gauge stayed at "halfway" all day.  It never went towards "HOT"

Thanks for any help!!!!!!  :)

I have not had a heating problem with the S/V 40's yet. But since the heat did work a bit and then stopped it sounds like an air bubble in the system. If the car becomes low on coolant and creates an air pocket in the cooling system, the system needs to be bled to get the air out. Or maybe there is a kinked hose. Either way someone that is familiar with the Volvo's needs to inspect the car and advise you. I have seen a few that the radiators have leaked or even one of the hoses, and that could be the start of leak and low coolant level. I still feel that a air pocket is likely.