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Volvo: a small friction sound from wheels, flame trap, wheel hub



you have been helping a lot bringing my car back to normal.my 850 had some power problems I took the car to the dealer.. all the engine mounts were damaged.. they have been replaced,flame trap replaced the cat was clogged and it got replaced (by another place not dealer cause I bought the cat from E-bay) and the car was running good.. also I had some shift problems in auto trans(the car wasnt pulling) after a little time of research I found out that the tcm control module is not working good. I found another used tcm on ebay and ordered it. it arrived after 15 days and I installed it.. the car now performs like a brand new car.. unbelievable difference in performance it feels like this car is a turbo and the gas mileage has improved,  the only problem I have now is when first moving the car especially in the closed garage I take the car there is a slight friction sound coming from front left or rear left wheel. cant really describe it exactly.. last year I renewed the left front wheel cv joint.. do you think the rear left joint might be worn?

its been a long letter sorry...


The CV should not have worn out so quickly. However you never know, could be a defective part, might be the wheel hub/bearing. The noise will have to be traced. When you find the area it is in then some close inspection is in order. You might have to pull the axle out of the hub to inspect and feel it for roughness.