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Volvo: Audi A4 automatic transmission problem, automatic transmission problem, delay problem


I have an 97 Audi A4 with automatic transmission. It has a problem when I accelerate the car. Basically, when I gradually accelerate the car, let's say from 0, the engine would run faster, as expected. But as the rpm of the car increases (as displayed in the control panel) the transmission would not change gear at the right time, but it eventually changes gear when the rpm becomes exceedindly high. This situation happens in cars with manual transmission, when the driver does not change gears as the car's rpm reaches high levels.  

So, it appears that my car has a delay problem with its autiomaic transmission. Could you tell me if it is fixable, and how much labor does it require to fix, how it could be fixed, and how much it would cost if I take my car to a car repair station ?

Thank you.

John Lowel

Sorry but I do not know about the Audi's. If it were a Volvo I would suggest a trans fluid flush. Be careful to see if it uses synthetic fluid. I would also look to see if there was an adjustment of the kick down cable. If it has an electronic trans there maight be a download of new mapping for the trans...