Volvo: Volvo S70 Transmission, volvo dealer, volvo s70
QuestionQUESTION: my 2000 S70 hesitates occasionally when shifting from 2nd to 3rd (especially in cold weather). gets less frequent or goes away when it warms up. have noticed the problem when it shifts down, like at a stoplight (but harder to tell which gear- but it's only with one gear.) BUT- I have found that if I use the "W" button, even on a cold day, the shift from 2nd to 3rd is fine. (I assume the "W" button results in starting up in 2nd gear). Any ideas?
If the mileage is high and the fluid is dirty see if flushing it will help. Read any codes in the trans system and fix those as needed. There has been a high failure rate of the gear position sensor.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks, Ray. I'm over 200,000 KM. I had the fluid changed a year ago- which seemed to help- although the problem continued to happen occasionally, and is now more frequent (as the weather got cold?) My mechanic was hesitant to change the fluid again- not sure why- said it sometimes seemed to make more problems (I think he checked it to make sure it wasn't really dirty. Good guy) Didn't ask about codes (is this one a non-volvo dealer can check?) is the gear position sensor an expensive proposition? and is it something you fix fast, or live with?
A scan tool will be needed to read and clear any codes. GPS is about $150.00 and 2 1/2 hours labor. The mileage is about right for a trans failure, so you may want to live with it until it gets worse and needs replacement. You might again inquire about the fluid flush I do recommend it every (40/50 thousand) 65 to 80 KM so it is about time.