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Volvo: wiper stroke adjustment, v70 glt, park position

QUESTION: Recently changed the wiper blades on a 1998 V70 GLT.  It appears the wipers are not going through the same wiper stroke as before.  The driver side wiper used to come almost to the A pillar.  Now it is stopping about 3 inches away from it.  Is there any thing that can be adjusted to get more of the windshield wiped.

ANSWER: Terrance,
Loosen the nut holding the wiper arm and pull up at that adjustment area, put the wiper in the spot you feel is right and tighten the nut.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do I pull it out and reinstall while it is in the parked position or while I have it stopped at the farest travel point?

I would say that the wiper is not "parking" in the correct so start by setting it in the park position. Look closely at the glass some have a couple of white dots that are used to line up the wipers. You can also turn on the wipers and turn off the key at the upper most part of the sweep and make the adjustment.