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Volvo: Volvo 850 battery heating up, battery cables, voltage reg

QUESTION: I have a 94 850 turbo and had a smell of burnt rotton eggs in the car,then noticeed smoke pouring from the driver side of the hood.The smoke was comming from the battery and the top of the maintainance free battery was lifted up and spitting out water, sounding like it was boiling. Thought I had a short in the battery and purchased a new one.It is doing the same thing to this battery. Is it the voltage reg overcharging? Ive never seen it before.Help!

ANSWER: Lance,
Have the charging system tested, sounds like it is overcharging.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ray, thanks for the quick reply,I was told that there was a bullitin at volvo on the wirering harness on the battery cables and that was the problem, does that sound possible to you. Thanks, Lance

Yes there is a bulletin on the cables, however that speaks to the cables getting hot (the positive end) due to poor crimping on the cable ends impeding the charging systems ability to charge the battery. If that battery is getting hot that still sounds like overcharging. You are on the right track to getting it fixed.