Volvo: 2000 S 80 T 6 Turbo issue, crankcase pressure, pressure pipes
QuestionI have the above car, have just changed the right side turbo with a used turbo after shaft broke on original turbo. I am getting oil smoke out exhaust on heavy exceleration. Took back off turbo air intake and air pressure pipes. Both for that turbo have oil in them. Both from the left side turbo have oil, but less. My question is, if the turbo I just replaced has a bad seal, would the oil from the right side turbo back feed into the pipes on the left side turbo. I also have a little oil all the way back to the intake.
Is there a method to check the turbos for poor seals? Is there some other issue that could allow the oil to be showing up in the air pressure side of the turbo?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If the breathe box PCV of the car was blocked up then too much crankcase pressure might cause oil to be sucked into the intake and burned. I can not see how one turbo could allow oil to show on the other. I only know that you should not see any oil in turbo and there is no way to test the seals. I get the turbos rebuilt when in doubt of the seals.