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Volvo: 2000 Volvo S70, volvo dealer, volvo s70

I'm having a problem with the Volvo starting. I can leave home, at which time it starts right up. I'll make a stop at the grocery store, come out to leave, and it will not start. Though it won't start, everything else is working, i.e. lights, windows, radio, etc. After a couple of hours, I will try to start it, and IT STARTS. This car has 69,000 miles, just received servicing not long ago. In fact, the first time this happened, I had it towed to the dealer. The next day it started for them. They suggested it may be the chip in the key. Since then, it has happened two more times. Service Manager at another Volvo dealer said it could be the fuel tank, but each time the car would not start, there was a little more than a half tank of gas. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!

Fuel pressure rest pressure might be leaking back leaving the line and rail void of fuel making for a very long crank time to replace that lost gas. State to the dealer the exact way to drive the car and how long to wait until returning to restart it, that will allow them to duplicate the way you have found the no start problem.
There might also be a relay problem not allowing power to the fuel system. Leave the car with the shop with instructions on how the car is driven and parked for the no start to happen. They need to duplicate/verify the problem, before attempting the repair.