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Volvo: 92 740 no turbo Wagon, piston slap, wrist pins

QUESTION: There is a tap or rap when the engine is cold. I've replaced the pod bearings with no change.
I need a suggestion where to look next.

ANSWER: Steven,
A lot of those cars had some piston slap. You would need to measure the pistons to the bores. That is if you still have an entenal knocking noise. Check the wrist pins also. Might want to get the car to a Volvo shop and have them give a listen.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK I agree it's likely up by a piston.
At 240,000mi the valves are a little noisy also.
The question is what can I expect as far as the next phase of failure.  What is the expected fatal result.A broken piston?
a progressively louder rap then failure.
EXAMPLE:  in 5K the sound may get louder or in 5K the piston explodes.

I am just trying to get a feel for what to expect.
P.S.  I'd love to rework the entire engine but that isn't an option at this time. My garage floor is cold and it was tuff enough to get the oil pan off once to do the bearings.

If the noise goes away warm I would say there is time left on the engine. As of today I have not seen one fail because of piston slap. Rods, wrist pins yes. Trying to tell exactly where the noise is very difficult. If you are sure the engine is getting oil and sufficient pressure I would bet it may last 6 or 8 months, longer if you are easy on it.