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Volvo: install aftermarket gauges on 2001 S40, oil pressure gauge, air fuel gauge

Hi I have a 2001 Volvo S40 1.9T and I wanted to install a Prosport 52mm
electric boost gauge, electric air/fuel gauge, and an electric oil pressure
gauge but i don't know how to go about doing that. It would be great if you
could help me with the installation process. The gauges come with the senders,
but I do not know how to install them to get my boost, oil pressure (connect to
oil filter housing?) and air/fuel mixture (narrow band O2 sensor?) sensors. Also
i do not know where to locate all of these components in the car. Thank you for
all of your help!

Boost I would assume needs to tie into the intake via a vacuum line. So at the intake manifold it might say to tie in there to an excisting or extra port. Oil pressure must have a sender that needs to take the place of the one that is there. Sender on the side of the block toward the radiator. Air fuel mixture should be placed into the exhaust front pipe, so you may have to provide a hole to screw in the sender.