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Volvo: 2002 S60 failed to start 2x, shop mechanic, immobilizer

Hi. My S60 failed tostart 2 days in a row. First day, I must have turned the ignition ket at least 10 times before the motor turned. This was first thing in the morning. On the second day, early morning, no problem,it started with 1 turn of the key. But after 12 miles of running and 4 hours of stand by, the ignition key did not turn the engine. In both cases, horns, lights, radio and seat worked. Motor did not turn. Have to call AAA for towing to shop. At shop,mechanic did not find any problems. Turning on and off of motor did not fail.
Was there a similar case asked to you by other S60 owners?
What could have been the problem? Please help. Thank you.

The alarm immobilizer is at fault many times. There is an antenna ring around the ignition lock that reads the chip in the key you have, if the antenna fails to recognize the key the car will not start. Go to the dealer and have them read any codes see if there are any bulletins that will aid in repairing the problem. Many antenna rings have failed.