Volvo: Volvo V40 - hard start, fuel pressure regulator, accelerator pedal
QuestionI have a V40 with 183,000k (KMS) on it and it has been getting harder and harder to start when for the last year or so. It is very hard to start when it has been sitting for some time, but (usually) starts well if it has just been running. I can help it somewhat by using touching the accelerator pedal. Once it starts there is smoke.
I have new plugs, wires, fuel filter, Air filter, thermostat Temp sending unit have had it it Terra-Cleaned (for combustion chamber / injectors and air intake)
It runs very well once it has warmed up for 15 seconds or so. I hear the fuel pump running. it sometimes gives me code of misfire in a certain cylinder, but only when it has crancked over a lot and runs rough for a few seconds. Any thoughts?
The fuel pressure may not be right, too low or leaking back to the tank, and not holding "rest pressure". The fuel pressure regulator might leak into the vacuum line causing a flooded engine and when it will start burn off the excess fuel and smoke. Misfire code might be worn out wires and coils, or just because of the flooded engine.