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Volvo: 1997 850 wagon hatch problem, rear hatch, latch

Cannot open rear hatch.  When I unlock all doors via key in driver door, all unlock except rear hatch.  When I attempt to unlock using key in hatch lock, the lock seems to be unlocking, but I am still unable to open/unlock the hatch. My agile 10-year has climbed into back to see if the hatch can be opened from the inside; no luck.  Any suggestions?  Thank you!

It would appear that linkage has come apart inside the door, and the child lock is on so the hatch can not be opened form the inside. You can try to turn off the child lock. It is located to the right side of the latch. You might be able to put your finger under the rear cover just to the right of the center latch and feel the hole where the switch lever is. You would need to get a tool that has a 90* degree bend at the end and push that child lock latch to the right. If you are sucsessful then it should open from the inside. That would allow the rear panel to be removed and inspected.